John, you know if you make a face around me that I will post it on my blog.

John and daughter Natalie

Sweet Natalie

More of sweet, sweet Natalie

Natalie and her aunt Jody

Natalie changes her baby's diaper several time a day

Natalie didn't always appreciate my camera in her face

Dessert - you can always count on interesting food at Debbie's house

Garrett, how many brownies do you have in your mouth?

Sam and his mom Kelly

Natalie and grandma Debbie

After lunch several of us visited the horses and baby calves. Left to right: John and Sam, Debbie and Natalie, Jody and Anna, Garrett, and dogs Daisy and Molly

Debbie mixed the milk replacer for the calf

Natalie, Debbie, and Anna fed Annie the calf


Annie the calf sucked every bit of milk from the bottle.

Natalie and her grandpa Greg stood on the west side of the barn to get out of the wind.

Natalie and Greg

More Natalie and Greg

Natalie and grandma Debbie

I took this photo after Easter services at the catholic church in Dorrance. I just love this photo. Sam, Anna, and Garrett sat in front of the altar.

Sam got a big kick out of standing on his grandma Susan's back