The birthday boy - Sam

Nancy and Brook

Sweet Brooklyn

Sam spent lots of time loving on his cousin Brook.

Sam, Brook and great-grandma Siefers. Sam is just in awe of Brooklyn.

More of Sam, Brook, and great-grandma Siefers. Sam is so proud to be holding Brook.

Anna decided to get in the action of holding Brook. Little Brook is going to be one tough little girl by the time the older kids get through with her.

Hallie sneaked a taste of Sam's cake.

Big Mick and Little Brook

Matt supervised Hallie and Anna while they studied the cake.

Sam had help blowing out his candles from Anna, Hallie and Garrett.

I think Matt was antagonizing Lori. What's new?

Anna modeled her Halloween costume.

Isn't life great? Anna helped Hallie with her princess outfit.

The final product - two princesses

Matt, what kind of video were you showing Sam and Garrett?

Mother/daughter Jo and Kelly

Kelly's dad, John (on the ladder), Joey and Garrett worked on the kid's play house in the back yard.
