Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I called my doctor's office today (prompted by my sister Debbie) to ask if they had heard anything from MD Anderson. Bad News - my doctor's nurse was out of the office on Friday and Monday, so she did not send the information until Tuesday morning...... Insert your own bad word here. She is going to call them Thursday after lunch if she has not heard from them in the morning.

I visited with my former colleague and friend Ata today. It was so nice to see him again. We worked together for a few years at Leadership Studies before he moved to Seattle with his wife and son. I am sure it helped that he is a trained therapist AND I am pretty sure that I received a free session today. He talked with me about some of the stages that I might go through - denial, anger, negotiating, acceptance. OK, so I might have created some of those, but it was nice to talk with him.

Good news - Nancy and I treated ourselves to a pedicure and manicure tonight. That's all for now.

With Love,
Mary Kay

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