Monday, September 21, 2009

Photos from Susan's birthday weekend

Nancy, Deb, Susan and I went to the Kansas State Fair on Saturday to help Kevin and Sharon work the Ag play area for children. Ag land is a place for children to explore agriculture and to just get a break from the rigors of the fair by playing and running around in an enclosed area. Nancy is sweeping grains of wheat, corn, soybeans, milo and sunflowers seeds. Kids put their hands in the buckets to feel the seeds. Of course, a lot of the grains end up on the floor.

Susan's job was to weigh children and compare their weight to something on the farm.

Debbie's job was to daydream about her next quilt design.

Kevin had the most interesting job - he had to repair Blossum's udder. Sharon was definitely excited to assist Kevin in that job.

Kevin and his mom, Susan

Sharon, Kevin and Susan share a laugh about Blossum's problem.

After the fair, we stopped at Joey and Kelly's house in Dorrance. Sam was riding the Gator when we arrived. He loves it. TAKE special notice of how short Sam's hair is in the front, he cut his own hair earlier in the day.

The brothers - Sam and Garrett - tussle over who gets to control the steering wheel. Again, notice Sam's short hair.

Susan had a lot of love from her grandchildren as she opened her birthday gifts.

We had a birthday breakfast for Susan on Sunday morning. Hallie and Anna helped Nancy make a concoction of a banana on a stick, covered in a peanut butter/maple syrup mixture and then sprinkled with granola or sprinkles.

The cousins - Hallie and Anna

Matt, relax - you're having a new baby. Think of the tax break.

Sweet Anna

Hallie made a pile of pillows and blankets on the floor and then jumped off the couch into the pile. I don't think Hallie has gotten Grandma Susan's line of 'no jumping on the furniture.'

Garrett with his breakfast of a fruit smoothie (in a wine glass) and the special peanut butter and maple covered banana on a stick.

The expectant parents - Matt and Lori. We are all waiting on THE phone call about the new baby.

Sweet Hallie and her banana concoction.

Anna and her, you guessed it, banana concoction.

Anna got an early start on a Halloween costume. Her brother, Sam, enjoyed the entertainment from Anna the clown. Notice Sam's hair - this photo was taken Friday night - before he gave himself a haircut.

Nancy gave my mom a foot massage - and had plenty of help from Anna, Hallie and Sam.

Susan and Sam then gave Hallie a foot massage.

While others were getting a foot massage, Joey and Garrett took a little rest in the other room.

And then - Sam received a foot massage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I look at your blog I get a glimpse of how our family appears from the outside. Do people think our life is crazy and we are all NUTS? Anna's fat lip, Sam's haircut, the massages, Anna with a bucket on her head, kids jumping on the furniture--all this in the last 2 weeks. We have a good life, even if it is crazy and we have a few NUTS in our family tree.