Thursday, March 18, 2010

Susan Scott's Wild Woman Party

We hosted a wild woman party for the bride-to-be Susan. We drank, we sang, and we danced. Enough said.

Susan taught the young women a thing or two about partying. Lori, welcome to the wild women club.

Susan and friend Elaine

I told you that we danced.

And danced.

And danced.

As the party wound down, Susan gave the party givers pink breast cancer hats. You might be able to tell by the look on Candi's face that the party included champagne.

Even when Elaine is being silly, she still looks elegant.

Life is good!

Oops, the bubbly bubbled a little too much.

The dancers

Dear friends - Susan and Elaine

The party givers - Nancy, Elaine and MK. Before anyone arrived, we decided to try the champagne, Chambord, and raspberries. I loved the drink so much that I just kept drinking all evening.

More of the party givers - Nancy, Elaine and Candi. Would you agree with me that these are three beautiful and empowering women?


Anonymous said...

I want to clarify ONE thing! I did not have too much champagne, but someone else certainly did! :)

What a truly wonderful evening spent celebrating our sister queen, Susan. It was the best stress reliever and a special time to reconnect with sister friends.

Much much happiness and joy to you and Mike, Susan! The LOVE is definitely there forever!


P.S. I say let's always give MK champagne, chambord and raspberries--I have never seen her like this and it was so much fun!!

Anonymous said...

And this is only the beginning of many grand memories for our Beautiful Susan and our new special friend Mike.
