Tuesday, June 22, 2010

First day of harvest 2010

Can you tell this picture was taken at the end of the first day of harvest? Joey put the kids in the truck to corral them as things wound down. They look like prisoners begging for help.

I was actually on my way to the farm when I noticed the beautiful sunset, so I returned to the field to take a couple of photos. The combine was a long way from where I was standing, it was all the way across the field so I zoomed in as close as I could to get these images.

Kelly driving the 9600

Even combine drivers need a break. Not only did Kelly cut wheat, she also trained Lori on driving the combine. For all of you out there take note, the best job in the harvest field is driving the combine because it is usually the one vehicle with a smooth ride and air conditioning.

Matt and Lori shared a laugh about ????

This isn't a harvest photo, it was taken a day before we started cutting wheat. Of course, we had to check the corn, this time near Lake Wilson. As we returned to the car to head home, I took this photo of the lake.

Matt dissected a corn plant and found the ear of corn in its infancy.

Joey and Matt outstanding in their fields.


Jody said...

I always love harvest pictures! Thanks for sharing and keep them coming

Kelly (Reilly) Thielen said...

Wow, MK. Those are some great pictures of the sunset during harvest.

Don't tell people that the combine driver has it easy--I want them to think I am really working out there.