Let me know which photo of Kelly is your favorite.
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4 months ago
Mary Kay spent quite a bit of time on this group of pictures. I heard her laughing. Nice touches on the last picture. Happy Birthday Kelly! Nancy
Happy Birthday, Kelly! I think I like the first picture of Kelly and the last picture of Joey! Joey, when did you get your ear pierced, it's a nice touch and I'm sure the purple cowboy hat goes over well on the farm.
oops, the last comment was from Jody.
Happy Birthday Day Kelly Jo!! My forever friend!! (Again your card is still not in the mail because I'm really bad that way...so you'll get to continue to celebrate until it arrives.) Love ya, Steph
Number 1 definitely. Happy Birthday, Kelly.
Anna wanted to know where we keep those costumes and if that is our Halloween costume. Thanks for the special touches...gave me a good giggle.
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