Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ankle update - it looks bad, but is getting better

Nancy is walking - slowly - on the ankle without crutches. Thank goodness it is only bruised and not broken. I couldn't imagine trying to pull the load for my work AND Nancy's work this summer. You will be delighted to know that Susan is giving Nancy paid sick leave even though Nancy has only earned one day of leave so far. Nancy has already taken three days. I guess that means Nancy will have to do double time later in the summer to make up for missed work because of the ankle injury. I love it that the black and blue bruise is actually purple. Nancy is a true K-Stater, she bleeds purple.
Wednesday night, May 27

Tuesday night, May 26


jmandy said...
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jmandy said...

I hadn't heard Nancy got hurt. EEEKKK! Please tell her I'm thinking of her and hope she mends quickly!

Deb Feil said...

OUCH!!!!!! Makes "me" hurt just looking at it.