Anna told me that she wants to be a barber just like her Grandpa Reilly. Don't you think she did a great job with my haircut?
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5 months ago
How adorable! Priceless! - love, Deb
What a special family affair, MK!
All these photos from your special litte barber, to Sharon's "expertise", to Garrett's wheat belly, and Kevin's smiling "good harvest" face made me just smile!! Aren't families just the best? Glad you are part of my family as well. Can't wait to see you on Tuesday--enjoy your weekend with everyone. I am holding you to bbqing some ribs and salmon for me in the future!
Hello there, MK!
I really enjoy yourblog, because, as always, you are a teacher at heart and masterful in guiding us to enjoy even what seems not to be so enjoyable at first sight!!!
You may want to know that in looking at your latest pics, your hair was a distractor ... you have a huge, contagious smile!!!! when heair comes back, may be you will be curly MK ... or redhead MK ... who knows.
Wonderful pictures, what a barber you got!
How cute! Not you MK, but Anna. Ha! Actually, you are pretty cute without hair. Seeing your smile makes me smile. Wish I was there to give you a hug. I've been thinking of you a lot and praying for you too. I love reading your blog each day. It makes me feel like I'm in your "loop."
Love, Aub
Is Anna taking appointments!
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