Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Photo of the Day - My nephews Joey and Matt

I guess I should have a contest for the best caption for these two pictures that I took last Sunday at my sister Susan's farm. Joey seems to be enjoying his role as older brother while Matt readies the combine for milo harvest.


Anonymous said...

Mary Kay,
For sure the picture of Matt is a pose. Matt is most comfortable sitting in an office pushing a pencil.

Anonymous said...

I have really wanted to respond to these pictures but I just can't seem to think of the right thing to say! I have three awesome nephrews(Kevin would be the other one) and I like which ever one I am talking to at the moment the best! I would not want them to know that however...this is anonymous right!

Anonymous said...

Mary Kay,
You have now seen the light at the end of the tunnel. God is with you and will watch over you.
The BEST news of all, is not only are you having a Ta Ta's party, but you will never have to wear a bra again! That is a blessing in it's self. LOL