Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Photos from the party!

Gayle is all business as she shoots for the 'cups' as Mary, Grace and Jackie watch.

Natalie won one of the 'door prizes' - a head band with a pink ribbon on it. I think she had a little help from her Aunt Jody.

Grace, looking like a movie star, wore an all pink outfit to honor breast cancer patients.

Jackie and Di deserve a big 'shout out' for cooking Thielen Beef hamburgers. Thanks ladies, the burgers were delicious.

Mary, what were you thinking?

The Russell County contingency - Debbie, Natalie, Susan, Colleen, and Todd. Wait a minute - Debbie you haven't lived in Russell County since ????. Natalie is an honorary Russell Countian since her great-grandparents and great-aunt Susan and lots of cousins live there.

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