Saturday, November 13, 2010

I had visitors on Veteran's Day - which was also Kevin and Barbara's birthdays

I am quite sure that a little love from his daughter Avery was the best birthday gift Kevin received this year.

For all of you who don't get to see Kevin with Avery, it is a joy to watch them together. Kevin's love for Avery is quite evident.

Like father, like daughter.

We worked really hard to get a family photo of Sharon, Kevin and Avery. For proof of how hard it was, just look at the next two photos.

Kevin's birthday cake was highlighted by Avery's hand print. Susan outlined the hand print in icing and put an A on it for Avery.

The cake decorating crew: Anna, Susan, Avery and Hallie.

The clean up

There is no denying that Anna enjoyed the frosting.

I think this photo speaks for itself. Hallie is sticking out her tongue at me. You can click on the photo to see a larger view.

Avery enjoyed playing with her cousins Hallie and Anna. She watched their every moves, I am sure Avery learned a great deal about playtime.

A popcicle and a laptop computer - it doesn't get any better than that for 3-year-old Hallie

Ok, ok, so this is my personal rant. I had a great time playing with Anna and Hallie, but I don't know how many times they asked me where Nancy was. (For your information, Nancy was visiting her Uncle Ed in Boise, Idaho, with her sister Jane.) When I took this photo of them as they were leaving Manhattan, they once again said they really wanted to see Nancy. I have told many of you several times that my family likes Nancy better than they like me. Unfortunately, Anna and Hallie proved that to be true over and over again. They wanted to play with Nancy. In fact, Anna wanted Nancy to teach her some new acrobat moves! I don't know what part of this whole thing is more amazing - that they like Nancy better than me OR that Anna thinks Nancy is an expert at acrobat moves! What do you think?


Kelly (Reilly) Thielen said...

Anna had a great time. She did not even mention that Nancy was not there. She loves her new Dora PJ's.

Debbie said...

Oh my looks like a fun day!!! That Avery looks like her sweet...Avery that is...well Kevin too! Aunts can say that! Can't wait to see everyone at Thanksgiving!!!

Mary Kay said...

Where are we having thanksgiving? And, what should Nancy and I bring?

Debbie said...

I thought we were going to go to Manhattan...your house???? If that doesn't work how about coming to my house?

Anonymous said...

It would be great to have "the Siefers, Thielen and Brennemans" here for Thanksgiving in Manhattan! We are up for it...if the rest of you are up to the drive here. Let me know so I can have MK clean the house and fix the "gourmet turkey." Nancy

Debbie said...

I was looking at the last picture of Hallie and thought boy that is a picture of "little Lori"...cute.