Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A trip to St Louis to see Baby Leah and her parents Jody and Tim

Mom and baby Leah.  Ok, so baby Leah is not a baby anymore, but she is the youngest of my greats.  That is unless someone is going to surprise me with another one. Any takers?

Leah and her favorite great - MK

I didn't take too many photos of our trip to visit the McClelland family because you can see many photos of Leah on Jody and Tim's blog or on Leah's own blog.  I loved our trip - we shopped a little, ate good food, but mostly I got to play with Leah.

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I wasn't trying to strangle Debbie for all those terrible things she did to me when we were young. I am far beyond holding a grudge against her for the way Grandma Kaufman doted on her and always wanted Debbie to come over to her house and the way Debbie always got extra gifts from her and all the money grandma left Debbie. Oh no, I definitely wasn't trying to get back at Debbie for that.

Sweet Leah with the travelers - Debbie, MK Susan, Nancy and Mom. Thanks Jody and Tim for hosting us, I hope to see you soon.

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