Monday, January 5, 2009

Sushi and the start of a new building

It really is going to happen - we are getting a building at the School of Leadership Studies at K-State. Construction just started, well, the clearing of the parking lot and a few trees has started. The camera is pointing in a northwest direction. I was standing between Willard and Shellenberger when I took this photo. You can see the dorms in the background - Haymaker, Moore, West, Ford, and Boyd. I will share more photos of the building as things progress.

Our friend Candi shared her home-made sushi with us. I love Candi's sushi - it is the best sushi in the world! Sushi is seasoned rice, Candi added shrimp and avocado. She adds a variety of 'toppings' when she makes sushi. I love saying the word sushi.

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