Finally, some action!! I have so much to report from the past four days that I do not know where to begin. Even though I want to start with my weekend in Dorrance, I will start with an update about my visit to Dr Sharma and KU Med on Tuesday. More tests - imagine that!! My schedule on Thursday and Friday is something like this: Thursday 9:00 MUGA scan at KU Med, Thursday 2:15 appointment with Dr Einspahr in Topeka for second opinion, Friday 8:30 PET scan at KU Med, 9:15 CAT scan at KU Med, Friday 11:00 am visit with surgeon, Dr Conner at KU Med, and finally an Ultrasound at 1:00 pm.
You can not believe how much better I feel since visiting with Dr Sharma. At least I know of a 'tentative' plan for treatment. Of course, this plan is tentative because I need the tests for additional information about my cancer and health. The plan from Dr Sharma would be to start chemotherapy next Tuesday with the drugs Adriamycin and Cytoxan for four treatments with two weeks between treatments. I would then take Taxol for another four treatments with two weeks between treatments. Then I would have surgery in September, then six weeks of radiation. This would all be followed with an anti-hormone drug for five years. Who knows what will happen, but that is the first plan. Right now I have all of those saying running through my head about 'the best laid plans' so I am taking this with a grain of salt. Does anyone know the history of that saying? I guess what I am trying to say is that I know things can change quickly. And I want to hear what kind of treatment protocol Dr Einspahr will suggest.
I want to talk about Nancy - I have a tear in my eye as I write this because I am so thankful that she is in my life. As many of you know she is a wonderful person. In fact many of you have questioned the fact that I could have ended up with someone as spectacular as Nancy!!! I think you have questioned her ability to judge someone's character!! I know my family has teased me on numerous occasions about that. Nancy is a special woman and I am so appreciative of her patience with me, her care for me, and her love for me. I feel like the luckiest person in the world to have her by my side. I am a little worried about her and the toll this will take on her. So I hope that you can show her kindness and love through this. I know that I will try my best to be the best partner in the world to her. Now, I am really crying, but I needed to share that.
Love to all,
Mary Kay
Jelaskan Perbedaan Pengertian Zina Menurut Fiqih Dan Pasal 284 Kuhp
Penjelasan pasal 284 KUHP , zina diartikan sebagai persetubuhan yang
dilakukan oleh laki-laki atau perempuan yang telah menikah dengan perempuan
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6 months ago
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