Today is Kramer's 4th birthday. Happy birthday to the best dog in the world!!
Anger is the word for the day. My doctor's nurse called and said my tentative first appointment with MD Anderson is July 2. Can you believe that? I can not wait 5 weeks for my first appointment. I want to start treatment as soon as possible. Hopefully things will change in the next few days and I will get an earlier date in Houston OR I will try to get into another treatment center - maybe KU Med. Today was really difficult, I was on an emotional roller coaster. I know there are other people who are waiting just like me to get treatment so I do want to wait my turn. That thought is a lot easier to write than it is to internalize and accept. Have I said it before - I want to start treatment NOW. I want to learn more about my specific type of cancer and I want to know the treatment protocol. Of course, I want to know the prognosis - or do I.
I have been thinking a lot lately about my bother-in-law Joe. He lost his battle with cancer on January 2, 2006. He was so gracious during his illness and fought with such dignity. Not much else that I can write but that I have been thinking about him. I am going to Dorrance for Memorial Day services and I am going to walk in the Memorial Day parade. It really isn't a parade with floats or entertainment, it is a parade for people who choose to honor those, like Joe, who served our country. We walk from the American Legion on Main Street to the cemetery, it is only a few blocks. We walk to honor and to say thank you to those service members who are no longer with us. I hope that you will join me on Main Street in Dorrance on Monday at 10 am.
With Love,
Mary Kay
Jelaskan Perbedaan Pengertian Zina Menurut Fiqih Dan Pasal 284 Kuhp
Penjelasan pasal 284 KUHP , zina diartikan sebagai persetubuhan yang
dilakukan oleh laki-laki atau perempuan yang telah menikah dengan perempuan
atau lak...
6 months ago
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