There is no easy way to share the news that I have cancer. I just say it - I have breast cancer. Usually there is a moment of silence followed by the look of bewilderment. It was probably the same look I had on my face when I realized I had cancer. What does one say when that is shared? I'm sorry, that's bad, that sucks, oh shit. Those are all words appropriate for cancer. I suggest that we say whatever comes to us at the moment.
Still waiting on news from MD Anderson on a date for my visit to Houston. I just want to do something to start treatment. Right now it seems as if the cancer is getting too much of a head start. I wonder when the first cancer cell appeared in my body? Was it a couple of months ago or was it years ago?
Thanks to all who have called or emailed. Your care means the world to me.
My body is a little sore today - too much activity from the weekend in Dorrance. We planted flowers around Susan's patio and, of course, there was the play time with Hallie, Anna, and Garrett.
Love to all,
Mary Kay
Jelaskan Perbedaan Pengertian Zina Menurut Fiqih Dan Pasal 284 Kuhp
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6 months ago
1 comment:
It seems strange and upsetting that I am putting your cancer blog as a 'favorite' website. But I know that I want to keep up with every step of your journey. Thanks for sharing this! I know I'm ready to help you in kicking cancer's ass. The Leadership Family is behind you MK! Love one of you favorite Russell countians,
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