Not much news to report today. Still have not heard from MD Anderson or my doctor. I do know that this cancer thing is becoming more real to me. For the first few days after my diagnosis, I was pretty much in a state of denial. Even though I spoke the words, breast cancer, I don't think it really made a big impact on me. Now things are a little different. I am starting to think of the potential pain that I might endure and the probable change that is going to occur in my life. Will I be able to take Kramer for his daily walks? (Kramer is the best dog in the world!! At least that is what I tell him.) Will I be able to cook evening meals for Nancy? (Okay, for those of you who know my cooking abilities, I am stretching it a little bit with that one.) You get the picture - my future is unknown, but so is yours. So what am I worried about.? Now I am feeling a little selfish by thinking about ME. I have heard that I will go through many emotions during this journey. I am starting to experience some of those emotions.
Up to this time it has been easy to share my news, but now I am getting a little leery of sharing it. It seems to consume the conversation once I share. I guess it consumes my life so it just seems natural that it would dominate my conversations with others.
Nancy and I have been trying to plan for our trip to Houston. Of course, we do not know when we are leaving or how long we will be gone. Thank goodness for all of our friends who have offered to help with the house and Kramer. Did I mention that he is the best dog in the world? I am not worried about my job - I am officially off for the summer, so that is not a concern. In addition to having the best dog in the world, I work at the best place in the world. Leadership Studies and Programs has been a godsend for me. It has allowed me to be me - and they still like me. Okay, I might be out on a limb a little here, but it is what I feel.
Thanks so much for the phone calls, cards, emails, and comments.
With love,
Mary Kay
Jelaskan Perbedaan Pengertian Zina Menurut Fiqih Dan Pasal 284 Kuhp
Penjelasan pasal 284 KUHP , zina diartikan sebagai persetubuhan yang
dilakukan oleh laki-laki atau perempuan yang telah menikah dengan perempuan
atau lak...
6 months ago
1 comment:
This is not the end, but a new beginning. Cancer changes everything, but you will always be Mary Kay! I didn't have breast cancer, but I had cervical cancer in 1976 - everything removed, cobalt treatment and no cancer ever since then. Imagine what they have learned since then so success is always there.
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