I’ve wanted this blog to be an honest and authentic reflection of my experience with cancer. Sometimes that is difficult to do because there are times when I have thoughts and experiences that are difficult to share. Case in point – every time I have a pain in my body, however incidental, normal, or innocuous that pain might be, I wonder if the cancer has spread beyond my left breast. I think it is just something that I am going to have to work through – maybe it is a phase that cancer patients have to endure during treatment, or maybe it is just the emotional side effects of the chemotherapy, or maybe it is something that cancer survivors think about forever. I want this just to be a phase for me. I don’t want to live the rest of my life thinking about cancer on a daily basis.
As I think about why I am experiencing these emotions right now, I do have an explanation. I am starting to second-guess my decisions. Did I choose the right treatment plan? Should I have had surgery before chemo? Am I at the right treatment center? Am I doing everything I can to heal myself? I am sure asking those types of questions is part of the ‘process’ or the journey that most cancer patients endure, but it can be difficult to be patient and to believe that I am doing the right thing.
I just had an ‘ah ha’ moment!! In the comment section at the bottom of my previous posts, there are comments by friends Barb Lehning, Craig Snider, and Jeremy Lehning from my days teaching and coaching in Logan, Kansas, between 1983-1988. I was fortunate enough to coach several talented young women on the basketball team at Logan High School. Two guiding mottos evolved for the team that we used for motivation and teambuilding. One motto was public that we used on t-shirts and posters, and one motto was private that we used within the team. I will let you guess which is which - “Kick Ass” and “We Believe.” We used Kick Ass to get us fired-up and motivated for the competition. We Believe was used when times were challenging and we needed a boost to believe in each other as well as ourselves. Are you beginning to see my ‘ah ha’ moment about my cancer journey and hearing from some Logan friends? When I started this journey, I was motivated by the thought of kicking cancer’s ass. In fact, I had a kick cancer’s ass party before I started chemotherapy. As I have progressed through this journey, I have lost a little of the initial motivation – feeling sick most of the time will do that to you. So maybe now I need to BELIEVE – in my treatment team, my support team, and myself. I am not making this stuff up – I really had the ‘ah ha’ moment as I was writing this blog entry. Thanks Barb, Craig, and Jeremy for writing those comments so that I could realize the lessons I tried to teach while I coached at Logan. Isn’t it funny how things that go around tend to eventually come around?
Love to all,
Mary Kay
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atau lak...
6 months ago
Mary Kay,
Barb informed us today of your ongoing battle with breast cancer.
Your comments are of one determined ole' gal to beat this thing and our thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope the new chemo treatment isn't as rough on your system and you can get back to doing what Mary Kay enjoys doing!!! One never knows what to say at such times but just know that we are thinking of you and
PRAYING. Mariana and Mike Kemper
Hey Coach Siefers:
"We Believe" and "I Believe" that you will beat this sickness, and I want you to know that I will keep you in my prayers. Your ability to motivate and teach athletes how to compete leaves me with no doubt that you will overcome. I appreciate you "lighting a fire" under me as a young lady and player who needed some "extra help"! I often share my memories as one of your basketball players and our success with my own daughters. Thank you and may God be with you!
Cher Greving
Hi Coach Siefers-
Just a note to let you know that I'm praying for God to give you strength,comfort,motivation and peace in your journey of kicking your cancer. Just reading your blog I continue to be amazed by your postive and motivating attitude towards this great challenge in your life. Thanks for the guidance, motivation and teambuiling qualities you planted in my life as a teacher, coach and friend. The concepts that we learn in the early years of life's journey make us who we are as adults. I believe that you will win this battle. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers!!
God Bless,
Amy V.
aka Amy (VanRoekel) Schick
"ah ha" is the words of the day (are those words???!!!!). Thanks to Jeremy and forwarded by Barb, we received the news. Emotions and memories flashed thru the mind of a friendship formed and respect taught via you to Amy (remember the tree branch swing--that broke as she was demonstrating how it worked!!!!)and the "team" at the time you were in Logan. Of all that we were a part by default (being the PARENTS!!) but very thankful. We recall your time in Logan and will always consider you a "FRIEND". Thus we are thankful your blog found its way to us to say "We believe" that you will put up a "Kick Ass" fight and the rest is in God's hands. You shared on your blog all the reasons why (family and friends) you want to live, now just "Believe", cause there is HOPE. Goodland, where Amy lives is having a Relay for Life August 10. We have submitted a luminary in your honor (Amy is making 4 dozen cookies as a trade off!!Ha!). You will be in our prayers and thoughts and we will be checking the blog for updates.
Love Don and Beth VanRoekel
PS--Next party you have let us know, and we'll celebrate simultanously in our respective location.
PSS-Hope this note finds its way to you as we are not the most computer literate.
PSSS-How about a little fuel for the fire---Go Jaykawks!!!!
Mary Kay: You are being prayed for -- no one knows the future but it seems to me you are giving the Good Fight!
Go, go go!
God is watching over you.
Take Care
Trust the process...
Kay, just met your mom at the Bear House for coffee. She was very excited about the photo you posted of your Dad.
God Bless.
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