Saturday, June 5, 2010

Matt's birthday

Hallie in her summer dress

We celebrated Matt's birthday on Saturday evening with our own version of seafood fest: bacon-wrapped shrimp and crab with Lori's famous chocolate-chip cookies and a chocolate-chip pie. I don't know what Matt did to deserve such kindness, but he celebrated with his favorite foods.

The kids played in the play park. Yes, Matt actually played IN the play park.

You can generally find Sam doing one of three things on the farm - playing ball, playing on the sand pile, or playing with the baby calves in the barn.

Anna and Hallie spend lots of time at the play park. Anna is working on her acrobatic tricks. It looks like Hallie is taking notes for when she is ready for acrobatic training.


Lori worked with Hallie on the finer points of a baseball glove.

Nice hat birthday boy! Matt wore Garrett's cowboy hat. Matt's daughter Brooklyn didn't seem to mind the fact that her daddy was being goofy.

I am sure this toad's life was a little stressful while Anna was playing with it. She did release the toad after a few minutes of science class.

You have to kiss a few frogs in your life.


Sam is wearing big-boy pants. When you have to go, you have to go.

A little help from mom Kelly


Sweet Nancy

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