Cancer has made me evaluate my life and ask the question - am I living the life I want to live? If I knew that my days were numbered, would I change anything? Nancy and I talked about that very question the day my biopsy came back as cancer. I thought about it and decided that, yes, I am living the life I want to live. There isn't too much I would change about how I live my life. I don't want to have regrets and wish that I would have lived differently. Now, don't get me wrong about the little things - I do wish I had more of some things, but I am content at my core. Right now LOVING and LAUGHING seem to be what my life is about. It is what I crave. Maybe loving and laughing give me the inner comfort and strength to face cancer.
The past two weekends have given me lots of loving and laughing. Last weekend, I spent time with family and friends in Dorrance and had a blast. I went fishing (at 5:30 am), walked in the Memorial Day parade, ate lots of homemade ice cream (thanks Mom), sat on Susan's porch in the swing, endured the constant teasing of family and friends, refused to help with dishes (because I have cancer), and ate lots of smoked ribs and brisket. Needless to say, it was a wonderful time. Some family members gave me a basket of goodies to help me get through this cancer thing. Some of the items in the basket included: bag of Oreos, a bag (not a purse) to carry my things in, gift card to DQ, Sudoku book, picture frame, Courage figurine from Willow Tree, Ipod, quilted do-dad that says Family that was signed by all, a basket, coke, and sunflower seeds. It doesn't get any better than that!! Thanks family - you really know how to please me. I love you all. I just had to share how important that weekend was for me. I came back to Manhattan rejuvenated and ready to face the week.
Back to the present - tonight's Kick Cancer's Ass party was important for that loving and laughing reason, too. I wanted to spend time with friends and family and LAUGH prior to my first chemotherapy treatment on Tuesday. Thanks friends - we laughed!! I want to continue to have parties because that is one thing that I said I wanted more of. No regrets, so let's have more parties.
Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who have made the last two weekends so meaningful to me.
Love to all,
Mary Kay
Jelaskan Perbedaan Pengertian Zina Menurut Fiqih Dan Pasal 284 Kuhp
Penjelasan pasal 284 KUHP , zina diartikan sebagai persetubuhan yang
dilakukan oleh laki-laki atau perempuan yang telah menikah dengan perempuan
atau lak...
6 months ago
THANK YOU, MK, and Nancy! The party was very important to your family and friends as we began kicking the big C OUT of your life and body! I know we will continue to institute this same protocol in the days/months ahead. I am with you all the way--thank you for sharing this journey with all of us who love and adore you!! :)
What a "feel good" party! You and your friends and family are all amazing. We will all be thinking of you tomorrow. Love ya,
Your breast friend
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